LifePath News

April 2024

Celebrating Excellence: Third Age Achievement Awards Tomorrow

The anticipation is palpable as we eagerly await tomorrow’s Third Age Achievement Awards. This prestigious event, hosted annually, spotlights the remarkable accomplishments and contributions of individuals in their “third age” of life.
The Third Age is an affectionate term for individuals who are 60 years of age or older. It’s a phase where experience meets opportunity, wisdom blends with innovation, and a legacy of excellence is forged.
As we prepare to honor these outstanding individuals, it’s important to reflect on the diverse fields and achievements that will be celebrated. From impactful community service and philanthropy to groundbreaking achievements in the arts, sciences, and business sectors, the Third Age Achievement Awards recognize a wide spectrum of accomplishments.
Moreover, these awards inspire all generations, highlighting that one’s journey of growth, achievement, and impact is not bound by age but fueled by passion, dedication, and resilience.
Tomorrow’s ceremony promises to be momentous, filled with heartwarming stories, inspiring speeches, and well-deserved recognition. It will remind us that each stage of life offers opportunities for greatness and that the contributions of individuals of all ages enrich our community.

Celebrating LifePath's Dedicated Volunteers During Volunteer Week

As National Volunteer Week comes to an end, we take a moment to extend our deepest gratitude to all the incredible volunteers who contribute tirelessly to our mission here at LifePath. The dedication and selfless efforts of these individuals truly make a significant impact on the lives of those we serve.
Volunteers are the backbone of our organization. They play a vital role in delivering Meals on Wheels, serving meals at community dining sites, conducting programs, participating in fundraising planning, and assisting with administrative tasks. Their commitment and enthusiasm ensure we can reach and support as many individuals as possible within our community.
Recently, our volunteers were honored with a special visit from our Executive Director, Gary March. They were presented with keychains as tokens of appreciation, symbolizing our profound gratitude for their invaluable service. This small gesture reflects our volunteers’ immense impact on our community and underscores the importance of their contributions.
If you are inspired by the incredible work of our volunteers and wish to join our team, we encourage you to contact Victor Stanton at 518-465-3322. Volunteering is a fulfilling experience that benefits others and enriches your own life in countless ways.

LifePath Receives Empire Whole Health Heroes Award: Commitment to Community Well-being

LifePath was honored to receive the Empire Whole Health Heroes award earlier this month, recognizing our dedication to health and community empowerment. This prestigious award, presented in collaboration with the Albany Business Review and Anthem Blue Cross, reaffirms our commitment to enhancing the well-being of older adults throughout the Capital Region.
Our philosophy at LifePath centers around the belief that fostering whole health is a shared responsibility. Through our innovative programs and unwavering commitment, we strive to keep the older neighbors we serve healthy and safe. We provide effective programs and support to help older individuals stay connected to their communities, ensuring they have access to the resources they need as they navigate the aging process.
Receiving the Empire Whole Health Heroes award is a testament to collective action’s power and underscores the importance of our ongoing efforts. While we celebrate this recognition, we are reminded that our work is far from over. We must continue to adapt and meet the evolving needs of older adults in the Capital Region, working together to make a meaningful impact on their lives.

Discovering Rainbows: Newgate Social Adult Day Program's Colorful Experiment

The Newgate Social Adult Day Program participants delved into a fascinating science experiment—the Rainbow Experiment! Participants filled two glasses with water and colored the ends of a folded paper towel, leaving the center blank. Folding it again and submerging each end in a glass, they witnessed the colors merge, creating a tie-dyed effect rather than a typical rainbow. The experiment sparked joy and curiosity, showcasing the magic of color blending and water absorption. It was a fun and engaging exploration that left everyone smiling and eager for more scientific adventures!
Do you know someone who could benefit from our engaging programs and warm community? Please encourage them to call us at 518-465-3322 to learn more about our two Social Adult Day Programs and how we create meaningful experiences for our participants.

Bringing Sunshine to Meals: Charlton Heights Students Decorate Meals on Wheels Bags

The Charlton Heights Elementary School students in Burnt Hills have once again shown the power of kindness and creativity through their involvement in the Sunshine Club. This group of young philanthropists recently came together to spread joy and positivity to homebound older adults in their community.
Partnering with LifePath’s Meals on Wheels program, the Sunshine Club decorated the bags in which these essential meals are delivered. With colorful drawings, heartfelt messages, and cheerful designs, each bag became a beacon of happiness for recipients.
But their efforts continued. Understanding the importance of creating a warm and welcoming dining experience, the students also crafted vibrant placemats. These simple yet thoughtful additions will brighten the days of those who receive them and their meals.
The impact of such initiatives goes beyond just the visual appeal. For many homebound individuals, these gestures represent a connection to the outside world, a reminder that they are cared for and not forgotten.
If you know someone who could benefit from a nutritious meal and a wellness check, don’t hesitate to contact the LifePath office at 518-465-3332 for more information. Together, we can continue to spread sunshine and kindness to those who need it most.

March 2024

Beyond Boundaries: Navigating the Third Age with Purpose and Prestige

For more than twenty-five years, LifePath and the esteemed Presenting Sponsor, CDPHP, have dedicated themselves to recognizing the exceptional contributions of individuals in the Capital Region. These extraordinary individuals, navigating their “third age,” a time ripe with opportunities for community engagement, personal growth, and influential leadership, continue to inspire us all. What better way to pay tribute to their achievements than through the Annual Third Age Achievement Awards?

As these individuals step into life beyond 60, they embark on a journey filled with boundless potential and meaningful pursuits. The Annual Third Age Achievement Awards serve as a guiding light, showcasing their ongoing endeavors, creative ventures, and noteworthy accomplishments.

Over the past 28 years, this prestigious event has honored more than 200 outstanding individuals, each leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of our community. Their stories of resilience, ingenuity, and service serve as beacons of inspiration for future generations.

As we eagerly anticipate the 2024 ceremony, we extend a heartfelt invitation for you to join us in celebrating these remarkable individuals. Save the date for 11:30 a.m. on Friday, April 26th, at the esteemed Wolferts Roost Country Club. Let us honor and applaud the remarkable 2024 Class of Honorees, uniting in a spirit of camaraderie, admiration, and gratitude. Tickets and Video Shout-outs are now available for purchase, so secure your seat or reserve your opportunity to congratulate an honoree during the event today and be a part of this extraordinary occasion.

AMPing Up for Aging: Empowerment Program Launch & Open House Success

We are excited to announce the launch of our Aging Mastery Program, designed to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to gracefully navigate the challenges and opportunities of aging. This program consists of 10 classes covering various topics, including Health and Wellness, Medication Management, Healthy Relationships, Advance Planning, and Financial Fitness.
Classes are scheduled every Wednesday at 10 am at the Wyman Osterhoust Community Center, providing a convenient and accessible opportunity for participants to engage and learn. To register or learn more about the program, please call 518-273-4422.
Additionally, we are delighted to share that the Open House at the Community Center was a great success; thanks to the community and partners for their wonderful support! A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone who attended and contributed to the event’s memorable atmosphere.
We sincerely appreciate our esteemed vendors, such as the Albany County Department for Aging, CDPHP, MVP Health Care, and the NY Statewide Senior Action Network, for their generous contributions of time and resources. Your collaboration has enriched the experience for all attendees and bolstered our collective impact on the lives of older adults in our community. 
Special acknowledgment is also owed to the Albany County Department for Aging for its invaluable support through various grants, which have played a crucial role in facilitating our outreach efforts in the New Scotland community. Their ongoing partnership remains integral to our mission of serving and empowering older adults.

Calling All Vendors: Join Us for the Spring Marketplace at Watervliet Senior Center!

We’re excited to announce that the Watervliet Senior Center will be hosting a Spring Marketplace on Saturday, May 18th, at 10 am, and we’re currently seeking vendors to participate in this exciting event!
If you’re a crafter, artist, gourmet food producer, or small business looking for a platform to showcase your products and connect with the community, we invite you to join us. The Spring Marketplace is a family-friendly event that promises a fantastic opportunity to display your talents and engage with an audience of all ages.
To secure your spot, call 518-465-3322 x 400, email, or download the vendor registration form for more information. This form will guide you through the registration process and ensure you’re well-prepared to make the most of your experience at the Spring Marketplace.
Take advantage of this chance to participate in a vibrant community event and showcase your creations to an eager audience. We look forward to welcoming you as a vendor at the Spring Marketplace and making this event a tremendous success together!

Unlocking the Power of Community: LifePath's Social Adult Day Programs

At LifePath, we’re dedicated to providing comprehensive support and care for older adults in our community. Our Social Adult Day Programs, located in Albany and Cohoes, offer a structured environment where participants can enjoy nutritious meals, engaging activities, socialization, and caregiver respite.

If you know an older adult who could benefit from the enriching experiences and supportive atmosphere of our programs, we encourage you to reach out to us at 518-465-3322 x 204 to learn more about our offerings and how to get involved.

Additionally, we invite you to click on the photo to watch a video created by WMHT as part of their Aging Together in New York series. This video provides an inside look at our Social Adult Day Programs and highlights the positive impact they have on the lives of participants and caregivers alike.

Join us in creating a vibrant and supportive community for older adults. Contact us today to learn more about LifePath’s Social Adult Day Programs and how we can support your loved ones on their journey of aging gracefully.

Senator Jake Ashby's Heartfelt Visit: Connecting with Cohoes & Watervliet Senior Communities

Last month, Senator Jake Ashby enjoyed visiting the vibrant communities at the Cohoes and Watervliet Senior Centers. Senator Ashby enjoyed conversing with new friends at the Cohoes Senior Center, reminiscing about old times and sharing stories over a hearty meal. Despite it being a while since he waited tables, Senator Ashby found that connecting with the seniors was like riding a bike – a skill that quickly returned to him.

Meanwhile, Senator Ashby immersed himself in friendly competition and camaraderie at the Watervliet Senior Center’s annual pool tournament. He was impressed by the skill of some players and joked that a few of them could have given American Pool Player – Fast Eddie Felson a run for his money.

Throughout the day, Senator Ashby cherished catching up with familiar faces, including his good friend Mayor Patricelli. Their ongoing partnership and collaboration continue to benefit the communities of Cohoes and Watervliet, and Senator Ashby looks forward to further strengthening these bonds in the future.

As Senator Ashby reflected on his visit, he was reminded of the importance of community engagement and the valuable insights gained from spending time with constituents. He expressed his gratitude to the staff and members of both senior centers for their warm welcome and hospitality, and eagerly anticipates future visits to these cherished community hubs. You are always welcome, Senator!

Celebrating Community Spirit: Cohoes Senior Center's St. Patrick's Day Dinner

We are thrilled to share the joyous success of the recent St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Fundraiser hosted by the Cohoes Senior Center! This festive event, graced with the lively tunes of the Poppin’ Corks, brought together friends and neighbors for an unforgettable evening of Irish-themed delights.

The heartwarming spirit of the evening was amplified by the generous support of our sponsors, whose contributions not only helped make the event possible but also saw them rolling up their sleeves to serve meals, wash dishes, and assist with cleanup. We extend our deepest gratitude to each of our sponsors – CDPHPCDTA, CEK RN Consulting, Inc.MVP Health Care, and The Sentinel of Amsterdam for their unwavering dedication to our mission.

Thank you to everyone who attended and supported the Cohoes Senior Center’s St. Patrick’s Day Dinner. Your participation helped make it truly a memorable evening!

Now, mark your calendars and dust off your blue suede shoes because on June 17th, “Elvis” will be shimmying his way into our dinner theatre event! Get ready for a night of hip-shaking, lip-curling entertainment that’ll have you all shook up. Save the date and prepare for an evening that promises to be as legendary as the King himself! Stay tuned for sponsorship and ticket information.

February 2024

Celebrating Transitions and Welcoming New Leadership: Highlights from the LifePath Annual Meeting

We are thrilled to share the excitement and success of our recent Annual Meeting, a pivotal event held at the Watervliet Senior Center on Wednesday, February 28. This was a momentous occasion to celebrate our accomplishments, bid farewell to esteemed board officers, and welcome new leaders who will guide LifePath into the future.
The Annual Meeting served as a platform to reflect on the incredible individuals, organizations, and partners who have supported the LifePath mission. Whether through generous donations, collaborative initiatives, or volunteer efforts, their dedication propels our work forward.
In 2023, LifePath continued to provide essential programs and services to our older community members, ensuring they remain healthy, safe, and connected. The resilience and spirit of our community have been a driving force, and we are immensely proud of what we have achieved together.
We also took the opportunity to underscore our commitment to financial transparency and responsibility. LifePath remains dedicated to maintaining low overhead costs, directing most of our resources toward programs that benefit our older neighbors and friends.
The morning was filled with heartfelt farewells to long-serving board officers Vera Dordick, Past President, and PJ Hosner, Treasurer, whose collective dedication spanned over 20 years of exemplary service to the LifePath Board. Their tireless commitment and invaluable contributions have left an indelible mark on our organization, and we extend our deepest appreciation for their years of dedicated service.
Looking ahead, the Annual Meeting was not just a moment of reflection but also a platform to envision the future. As we bid adieu to cherished leaders, we eagerly welcomed new officers who bring fresh perspectives and enthusiasm to our mission.

In addition to our new officers, we are thrilled to welcome new board members – Kimberly Beaudry, Kimberly Eriole, Jennifer Harvey, MSW, Amal Hechehouche who will undoubtedly enrich the diversity of thought and ideas within our governance.

We also discussed upcoming initiatives, partnerships, and strategies by rolling out our three-year strategic plan that will further enhance our ability to serve the evolving needs of our community.

The LifePath Annual Meeting was a testament to the strength of our community and the positive impact we can achieve when we work together. We are filled with gratitude for the past and enthusiasm for the future. As we move forward, we invite each member of the LifePath community to join us in this journey. Your continued support, whether through donations, volunteering, or simply spreading the word about our mission, is crucial in making our vision a reality.

Discovering the Heart of Community: LifePath's Open House in New Scotland on March 19

LifePath and the Albany County Department for Aging invite you to join us on March 19, from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM, for an exclusive Open House at the Wyman Osterhout Community Center. This event offers a unique opportunity to explore the diverse programs and services tailored for older adults and their caregivers in Albany County.
Step into the Wyman Osterhout Community Center and immerse yourself in the carefully cultivated, warm, and welcoming environment dedicated to the well-being of our community members. Knowledgeable and compassionate staff will guide you through a journey of discovery, providing insights into the myriad of programs meticulously designed to support and uplift our community.

But that’s not all! LifePath goes beyond being just an organization; it’s a community hub. Seize the chance to connect with dedicated individuals and community partners who collaborate to create a space of care and compassion.

Enjoy a delightful food tasting featuring items from our Congregate Dining Menu, entertainment to uplift your spirits, explore offerings from various vendors, and more. Whether you have questions about our services or are eager to explore ways to get involved, our team will be present to provide answers and guidance.

Join us at the Open House on March 19 as we collectively embark on a journey of exploration, connection, and discovery. Whether you are a long-time supporter or new to our community, we eagerly anticipate sharing this enriching experience with you.

From Dinner Theatres to Senior Picnics: LifePath's Senior Center Fundraisers Promise a Year of Delight and Opportunity!

Excitement is in the air as LifePath unveils a delightful lineup of fundraisers at the Cohoes and Watervliet Senior Centers in 2024. This year promises a sleight of engaging events designed to bring our community together while supporting the vital work we do.
From Bake Sales that tempt the taste buds to bustling Marketplaces offering unique finds, sit-down dinners with entertainment that promise an evening of joy, to the laid-back vibes of Senior Picnics, we’ve curated a diverse array of events to suit every taste.
These events are not just about raising funds; they’re about creating opportunities for the older adults in our community to socialize with friends and neighbors. It’s a chance for everyone to come together, share laughter, and build connections. Simultaneously, these events provide a golden opportunity for our community to support our mission by sponsoring or actively participating.
LifePath invites you to join us for a year of joy, community, and philanthropy. Together, let’s make these events memorable while positively impacting the lives of our older community members.
Learn more about these exciting events and save the dates. Your attendance, sponsorship, or participation directly contributes to the success of our programs and services that benefit our older community members.

Promoting Heart Health: A Big Thank You to Corporate Partner CDPHP for Blood Pressure Screenings

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated team from CDPHP for conducting essential Blood Pressure Screenings at the Cohoes and Watervliet Senior Centers last week. Your commitment to community well-being is commendable, and we are immensely thankful for your valuable contributions.

Why Regular Blood Pressure Screenings Matter

Having your blood pressure taken regularly is crucial to maintaining overall health and preventing potential complications. 

Here’s why regular blood pressure screenings matter:

  • Early Detection of Hypertension: Regular screenings help identify high blood pressure early, allowing for timely intervention and management. Hypertension often shows no symptoms, making routine checks vital for early detection.
  • Prevention of Heart Disease: High blood pressure is a leading risk factor for heart disease and stroke. By monitoring blood pressure regularly, individuals can take proactive steps to lower it and reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues.
  • Managing Chronic Conditions: For those with existing health conditions such as diabetes or kidney disease, regular blood pressure monitoring is essential. Elevated blood pressure can exacerbate these conditions, and timely adjustments to treatment plans can be made with accurate readings.
  • Lifestyle Modification: Routine screenings allow individuals to assess and modify their lifestyle habits. From dietary changes to increasing physical activity, maintaining a healthy blood pressure range often involves lifestyle adjustments.
  • Enhanced Overall Well-Being: Monitoring blood pressure is not only about preventing specific health issues but also about promoting overall well-being. Stable blood pressure contributes to better organ function, improved cognitive health, and an enhanced quality of life.

Once again, a sincere thank you to the CDPHP team for their dedication to the health of our community. The Blood Pressure Screenings conducted at our Senior Centers have undoubtedly positively impacted the well-being of our participants.

As we move forward, let’s continue to prioritize our health through regular check-ups and screenings. Remember, taking small steps today can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling tomorrow.

Henry Bellagnome Brings Joy to the Newgate Social Adult Day Program

Henry Bellagnome, the Capital Region’s favorite traveling gnome, loves adventure and visited visited LifePath’s Newgate Social Adult Day Program in Albany, spreading joy and laughter among guests while playing chess, calling bingo, and visiting with guests. Even as he approaches the remarkable age of 159 on March 10th, Henry’s spirit remains youthful and vibrant.

Having spent over a decade working for the National Park Service, Henry’s journey has taken him from the towering redwoods of California to the rugged coastlines of Maine and the majestic arches of Utah. Now calling Albany, NY, home since October, Henry delights in exploring local gems, from restaurants and museums to parks and even the Albany Water Filtration Plant.

As he prepares to celebrate his impressive 159th birthday in Schenectady in a few weeks, Henry extends a warm invitation to all to join in the festivities. For more information, check out the event on Facebook.

Thank you for bringing your light and joy to LifePath, Henry Bellagnome! We eagerly anticipate your next visit.

In honor of Black History Month, we pay tribute to Anna Julia Cooper.
Born in 1858, Cooper became a trailblazing educator, scholar, and activist, whose contributions continue to inspire generations. At the age of 65, she earned her Ph.D. from the University of Paris-Sorbonne, paving the way for future Black women scholars. Her tireless advocacy for educational opportunities as well as gender and racial equality left an enduring impact on history.
Join LifePath in honoring Anna Julia Cooper’s spirit and commitment to progress as we strive for a more just and inclusive society.

Get ready to paint the town green with delicious St. Patrick’s Day food, toe-tapping music, and plenty of smiles! ☘️

Join LifePath at the Cohoes Senior Center on March 14 for the St. Patrick’s Dinner with Live Music Featuring “The Poppin’ Corks”. Doors Open at 4:30 pm and dinner begins at 5:00 pm.

Dinner will include Bread, Salad, Corned Beef & Cabbage, and Carrot Cake for $25 Per Person.
Reserve your seat today!

Click Here to purchase your dinner ticket online or stop by the Cohoes Senior Center to purchase your ticket in person.
Contact the Cohoes Senior Center with any questions:

Throughout the month of February, LifePath is collecting donations for the ❤️ Caring Hearts Online Fundraiser ❤️

Your donation helps fund the vital work we do providing meals and support to older adults in our community.

LifePath Provides Meals and Support Services to Older Adults Through:

Meals on Wheels
9 Community Dining Sites
2 Social Adult Day Programs
2 Senior Centers
Westview Homes
Caregiver Support
Community Events

Click here to learn more about LifePath’s Caring Hearts Online Fundraiser.

Spread love, donate today!

Happy first day of Black History Month from LifePath! 🖤
Throughout February, we’re celebrating the incredible achievements of Black individuals, both past and present, who’ve made remarkable contributions in their later years.
Join us in honoring their stories and continuing the journey towards justice and equality.

Join LifePath for Lunch & Live Music at the Watervliet Senior Center Featuring “As Iz Duo” 🎵 🍽️

Tuesday February 13th at 12:00 pm

RSVP for Lunch by 1:00 pm on 2/12

Guests are welcome to bring cookies to be served after lunch 💕

Come share the love with a simple and enjoyable afternoon of food, music, and community! 

Stop by the Cohoes Public Library on Saturday February 17 at 11:00 am for an Author Talk with Kenny Casanova as Casanova tells stories from his books, his own experiences in the wrestling world, and wrestles with questions from the audience.

Kenny Casanova is a local author who has co-written several autobiographies of WWE pro wrestling personalities.

His most recent release is Earl Hebner: The Official Story, about one of the most recognized referees of all time. 

Others on his list include:

Kamala Speaks
Brutus Beefcake: Struttin’ & Cuttin’
Dangerous Danny Davis
SABU: Scars, Silence, & Superglue
Vader Time: Story of a Modern Day Gladiator
Tito Santana: Don’t Call Me Chico
Justin Credible
ODB: Jesse Kresa
Ken Patera: Weight of the World
Bledtime Stories: a line of coloring books for grownups & wrestling fans

Books will be available for purchase on location that day.

For more information about Kenny Casanova’s books, visit:

January 2024

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended LifePath’s Open House on Wednesday, January 10.
It was a pleasure introducing our new Executive Director, Gary March, whose vision and dedication have already brought a fresh perspective to our organization. We appreciate the time and enthusiasm shared by all attendees as they met with Gary, engaged with our administrative staff, and delved into the details of our three-year strategic plan. 
We are excited about the journey ahead, enhancing the quality of life for our seniors and the community we serve.
LifePath extends its deepest gratitude to WMHT for featuring Meals on Wheels in the enlightening video, “The Lifesaving Impact of Meals on Wheels” highlighting the heartwarming journey undertaken by our compassionate drivers in Albany County. Beyond the nutritious meals they deliver, our drivers forge profound connections with seniors, becoming a vital lifeline of care for those grappling with social isolation.
We are immensely grateful to WMHT for shedding light on the invaluable work of our team and the impact they have on the well-being of our community’s seniors. Together, we continue to nourish not just bodies, but also spirits, fostering a sense of companionship and support that transcends the delivery of meals.

Thank You to NYSOAS & the Polish American Society for Their Holiday Gifts!

Thank you to NYSOAS and the Polish American Association for their generous donation of gifts to our Social Adult Day Program community this holiday season. 

Their thoughtful contributions helped bring fun and joy to the hearts of our participants. We deeply appreciate their commitment to enhancing the well-being of our older adults and are truly thankful for their kindness and compassion.

LifePath’s Social Adult Day Programs provide a structured community atmosphere, nutritious meals, respite for caregivers, and activities supporting health and wellness.

LifePath is thrilled to welcome Gary March as our esteemed Executive Director, bringing a wealth of experience, compassion, and innovative leadership to our community.

With over 15 years dedicated to advocating for the well-being of older adults, Gary March has consistently demonstrated a passion for creating enriching environments that empower older adults to lead fulfilling lives. His journey in healthcare leadership has been marked by a commitment to excellence, strategic planning, and a person-centered approach.

As the former Executive Director at Peregrine Colonie, Gary has honed his skills in strategic planning, program development, and budget management—essential elements for successfully leading a nonprofit organization. His collaborative leadership style, rooted in transparency and teamwork, has consistently driven positive outcomes for staff and residents.

Gary’s leadership has transcended administrative roles to create tangible improvements in the lives of seniors. From overseeing facility transformations to navigating organizational change gracefully, he has left an indelible mark on every community he has served. His results-oriented mindset and financial acumen have consistently contributed to sustainable operations and growth.

Gary’s commitment to community service extends far beyond the healthcare setting. His role as President of the West Glenville Fire Department and Commissioner since 2021 reflects his dedication to serving and improving the community. As a member of the Ulster County United Way Board of Directors from 2010 to 2013, Gary consistently demonstrated his commitment to making a positive impact beyond the walls of healthcare facilities.

As Executive Director, Gary March is poised to lead LifePath into an exciting future. His passion for seniors’ welfare, proven track record of leadership, and collaborative spirit align seamlessly with the LifePath mission. We look forward to Gary’s positive impact on our organization and the older friends and neighbors we serve.

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Gary March as he embarks on this exciting journey as the Executive Director of LifePath. Together, we anticipate a future filled with innovation, compassion, and continued dedication to enhancing the lives of our beloved seniors.

November 2023

Eden Cafe Art Show Opening Reception to Benefit LifePath

Friday November 17 from 6:00 pm – 9:30 pm Opening Reception at Eden Cafe

Throughout the month of November, Eden Cafe is hosting a captivating art show featuring the works of artist Carrie Gordon, with a portion of the proceeds dedicated to benefit LifePath.

Immerse yourself in the vibrant creations of Carrie Gordon, where her art reflects the unique blend of her New York roots and Southern California dreams. Eden Cafe’s transformed space becomes a canvas of creativity, inviting art enthusiasts to experience the depth of Carrie’s talent. This unique exhibit not only promises a visual feast but also carries a meaningful purpose.

By attending, you not only indulge in artistic inspiration but also contribute directly to the mission of LifePath, helping us create positive change and empower lives of older adults in our community.

Join us in celebrating the magic of art and giving back at Eden Cafe throughout this special month.

Click here for more information

Check out upcoming programs and events at our centers on our Activities Calendar

AARP Smart Driver Course on December 7 at the Cohoes Senior Center

December 7, 2023 | 9:00 am – 3:30 pm

The AARP Smart Driver Course is a one day 6.5 hour session held in person at the Cohoes Senior Center. 

Course fees are $25 for an AARP member and $30 for non-members. 

Learn safe driving strategies and you could earn a discount on auto insurance.* Hit the road with confidence, courtesy of the newly updated, award-winning AARP Smart Driver course. You will learn helpful driving strategies, and you may even qualify for a multiyear discount on your auto insurance! This course is taught by Regional Coordinator, Warren Lavery.
*Upon completion, you may be eligible to receive an auto insurance discount. Other restrictions may apply. Consult your agent for details.

The AARP Smart Driver Course, offered by AARP Driver Safety, is the nation’s largest classroom and online driver safety course and is designed especially for drivers age 50 and older.

Lunch at the Senior Center is available but optional for $10.00 per meal.
Call Beth at 518-235-2420 or email at to register.

Cohoes Senior Center
10 Cayuga Plaza
Cohoes, NY 12047

Check out upcoming programs and events at our centers on our Activities Calendar!


Sing Along with Lou Mulligan from Memories of Mom (M.O.M.)

Wednesday November 29 from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm at Westview Homes

CEK RN Consulting’s Health Empowerment Program is designed to help individuals understand their healthcare treatments through advocacy & education, resulting in a better quality of life.

Check out upcoming programs and events at our centers on our Activities Calendar

Musical Entertainment by the Peter Van Keuren Trio at the Watervliet Senior Center

November 16, 2023 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm – FREE

Music is a salve to the soul and we have the joy of announcing a free musical program by the Peter VanKeuren Trio coming to play the standards we know so well. 

This program is available to us by a generous grant from the Musician’s Trust Fund made possible by the Albany Musicians’ Association Local 14, and a huge thank you to all who donate to that fund. This a free program. 

Consider joining us us for lunch! To reserve a meal, call Michele at 518-273-4422 or email

We hope to see you there!

Health Empowerment Program at Westview Homes on November 14

Tuesday November 14 from 10:30 am – 11:30 am at Westview Homes

With 12 years of experience, M.O.M. is a dedicated volunteer ensemble that delights audiences with familiar tunes, encouraging participation whenever possible. Their acoustic sounds feature guitar, mandolin, harmonica, banjo, and accordion accompaniment.

Check out upcoming programs and events at our centers on our Activities Calendar

Citizen Preparedness Corps: Emergency Preparedness Training at the Cohoes Senior Center November 2

Citizen Preparedness Corps: Emergency Preparedness Training
Thursday November 2 at the Cohoes Senior Center from 12:30-1:30 pm

Come and learn the best practices for safety at home, in weather situations, and while being out in the community.

This is a free program by the Citizen Preparedness Corps and the State of New York


Medicare Free Info Session with CDPHP at the Cohoes Senior Center on November 13

Save the date! 

On 11/13 at 1:00 pm, join us with CDPHP at the Cohoes Senior Center for an in-person or virtual Medicare Product Overview Seminar that will specifically address CDPHP’s 2024 Medicare Advantage plan offering. 

Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to learn more about our plans and the valuable benefits available to you.
Plus, you’ll have a chance to get your questions answered too! 

Give us a call 518-235-2420

Flu Shot Clinic on November 7 at the Cohoes Senior Center with Marra's Pharmacy

Arm yourself against the flu!

Marra’s Pharmacy is hosting a Flu Shot Clinic at Cohoes Senior Center on November 7 from 10:00-11:30 am

Call to sign up today! Limited spots available.

Reserve your spot today by calling 518-235-2420

Penne with Meatballs Drive-Through Dinner Fundraiser on November 7 at the Cohoes & Watervliet Senior Centers

LifePath’s Penne with Meatballs Drive-Through Dinner Fundraiser
Tuesday November 7, 2023
4:30-6:30 pm

2 Locations: Cohoes & Watervliet Senior Centers

$15 per person includes:
Penne Pasta with Meatballs, Italian Bread, Salad, and Dessert

Purchase your dinner tickets today!


Drive-Through Dinner Fundraiser to Benefit the Programs & Services at the Cohoes & Watervliet Senior Centers.
Your donation will support LifePath’s efforts in promoting the health, safety and engagement of older adults, allowing them to remain independent within our community.

Musicians Bring Fun & Joy to Residents at Westview Homes

Memories Of Mom (MOM) Entertainment Group graced Westview Homes with their music, creating connections and combating social isolation through the power of song. 🎶💙

With 12 years of experience, MOM is a dedicated volunteer ensemble that delights audiences with familiar tunes, encouraging participation whenever possible. Their acoustic sounds feature guitar, mandolin, harmonica, banjo, and accordion accompaniment.

Thank you “Memories of Mom” for bringing fun and joy to the residents of Westview Homes! 

Click here to view our activities calendar!

October 2023

Autumn Painting at LifePath's Social Adult Day Program "Cohoes Companions"

What a gorgeous day for autumn painting at Cohoes Companions Social Adult Day Program!

If you’re a caregiver in need of a break or if you’re acquainted with an older adult who would thrive in an engaging, secure, and friendly setting for individuals aged 60 and above – where they can create new bonds, savor delicious meals, partake in physical and mental activities, and foster connections with others – don’t hesitate to contact us at 518-465-3322

We’re here to enhance the lives of your loved ones! 🍂🎨

Armchair Fall Foliage Tour & Autumnal Treats at the Watervliet Senior Center with St. Peter's Health Partners

🍂🏡 No isolation here with Watervliet Senior Center in the neighborhood!

JoAnne from St. Peter’s Health Partners dropped by, and our friends had a blast. 🍎🍩🥧

They enjoyed apple cider, donuts, and pie during our Armchair Travel Fall Foliage Tour!

Click here to see what other fun-filled activities we have coming up!

Creative Arts & Therapy Students Bring Therapeutic Art to LifePath's Social Adult Day Program "Cohoes Companions"

The Russell Sage College Creative Arts and Therapy Class students are making Mondays shine at the Cohoes Companions Social Adult Day Program until the end of November.

These seven talented students, guided by their caring teacher, dedicate their class hour to therapeutic art individually with our wonderful guests. It’s a heartwarming journey of healing through art! 🌟🖌️

Do you know a caregiver needing respite or an older adult seeking structured socialization?
Contact us at 518-465-3322 to discover more about our programs in Albany and Cohoes.

Residents of Westview Homes Graduate from Digital Literacy Program & Receive Laptops

Westview Homes residents are celebrating their graduation from ATTAIN (Advanced Technology Training And Information Networking) Lab’s Digital Literacy Program, marking their hard-earned success! 🎓💻 Residents excelled in their final exams and proudly received their coveted Acer laptops.

LifePath is proud to support digital inclusion and education, as we believe that everyone deserves access to technology and the skills to use it.


Incredible Turnout for LifePath's Coat Distribution at the Cohoes Senior Center

Another incredible turnout for our coat distribution at the Cohoes Senior Center serving Cohoes, Watervliet, Green Island, and Waterford.

Big shoutout to the amazing volunteers from Ladies of Charity and our awesome community for helping out!

LifePath's Social Adult Day Program "Cohoes Companions" Bake Sale Was a Success!

Thank you to everyone who supported the Cohoes Companions Bake Sale this month!

Your contribution directly support LifePath’s programs and services that promote the health, safety and engagement of our older adults in our community. 

Social Adult Day Programs provide an interactive, safe and secure place where older adults can make new friends, share a meal, exercise their bodies and brains, learn new activities and connect with others. 

Social Adult Programs are ideal for individuals who live at home but need a little bit of extra support and/or companionship during the day. A fully balanced breakfast and lunch are served daily. Case assistance and other support services are available as needed.

Let us provide you with a free consultation to see if a Social Adult Day program is right for you or your loved one. Schedule a visit to one of our two locations.


Sugar Cookie Decorating with the Residents at Westview Homes

🍪☕ Residents at Westview Homes in Albany came together for a delightful social event!

They decorated yummy sugar cookies, sipped tea, and cherished the wonderful bonds they share with their neighbors.

Be sure to check LifePath’s Activities Calendar for fun-filled events at Westview Homes, Cohoes Senior Center, Watervliet Senior Center, and more!

Activities Calendar 


Computer Literacy Class for Residents of Westview Homes

Residents of Westview Homes had a blast visiting the Attain Lab! 💻

Our Computer Literacy class is a hit at LifePath, and this week, our clients dove into the world of computers, learning about their basic components and uses.

The final class is just around the corner, and we’re excited to see our clients’ progress as they prepare for their final exam next week!

Flu Shot Clinic at the Watervliet Senior Center on October 5, 2023 - Sponsored by CDPHP

Flu Shot Clinic at Watervliet Senior Center Sponsored by CDPHP! 💉💪

⏰ Time: 11 AM – 1 PM
🏢 Location: Watervliet Senior Center

Protect your health with a quick flu shot. Stay strong this season! 🍂

Volunteers in Action at LifePath's Albany Kitchen

Our amazing volunteers in action at the Albany kitchen, bagging bread, preparing our hot and cold meal bags, and always ready to lend a hand.

If you’re eager to join the LifePath volunteer team, drop us a message!

LifePath's Capital Region Senior Expo at Crossgates Mall on October 20, 2023

Join LifePath and Presenting Sponsor CDPHP for the annual Capital Region Senior Expo at Crossgates Mall on October 20 from 8:30 am – 1:30 pm.

Admission is FREE! 🎉

Make sure to check out nearly 50 vendors from local companies & organizations catering to older adults and their caregivers, entertainment, health & wellness strategies, flu shots, and more!

Proceeds from the event will support LifePath’s mission to keep older adults in our community healthy, safe, and connected by providing meals, programs and support services. 

Come out, support a great cause and have some fun!

Russel Sage Student Enriches LifePath's Social Adult Day Program "Cohoes Companions"

A Russell Sage occupational therapy student is enriching the experience of a guest at LifePath’s Cohoes Companions Social Adult Day Program by facilitating a fun bowling match among fellow guests. 

If you’re a caregiver seeking respite or know an older adult who could benefit from an interactive, safe, and welcoming environment for individuals aged 60 and older to forge new friendships, enjoy meals, engage in physical and mental activities, and connect with others, consider reaching out to us at 518-465-3322

Your loved ones deserve the best care and companionship.

September 2023

Aging Mastery Program to Begin October 3, 2023

Are you interested in taking control of your well-being and positively aging?

Come join the Aging Mastery Program (AMP) starting October 3rd from 1:00 – 2:30 pm at the Cohoes Senior Center.
We’ll be discussing important topics such as health and wellness, medication management, healthy relationships, falls prevention, sleep, financial fitness, advance planning, and community engagement.

There’s no cost to participants thanks to our generous sponsors.
Registration is required.

Sign up today!  518-235-2420

St. Catherine's Center for Children's Kinship Care Forum

Maria Jones, our Interim Co-Executive Director, and Felicia Segelken, LMSW, our Director of Support Programs, had the privilege of joining a panel discussion at St. Catherine’s Center for Children’s Kinship Care Forum on September 27, 2023. 

Maria and Felicia had an incredible time sharing essential insights with the Kinship Community.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to St. Catherine’s Center for Children for welcoming LifePath to this Forum, and a special thanks to the Albany Guardian Society and Kinship Navigator for their invaluable partnership in making this event a resounding success!

LifePath is Seeking Board Members

Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of older adults in our community? 

We invite individuals to apply for a rewarding volunteer opportunity on our Board of Directors for a three-year term starting 1/1/24 and ending 12/31/26.

👉 About LifePath:
Our mission is to keep our older neighbors and friends healthy and safe by providing effective programs and support, helping them stay connected to our communities. You can play a vital role in achieving this mission.

🤝 Commitment:
Board members typically attend two monthly meetings in Albany, including the official board meeting and one committee meeting. These meetings are scheduled either in the early morning (around 8:30 AM) or after work (around 5:00 PM) and last approximately 90 minutes each. The total monthly time commitment, including meetings and independent review of emails, paperwork, and reports, is estimated at around 6 hours per month.

💲 Financial Contribution:
While no predetermined financial contribution is required, we kindly request that all board members make a cash donation to support our mission. Your annual donation can be at a level you are comfortable with. We also encourage board members to attend at least one of our two special events.

🌟 We are currently looking for individuals with expertise in:
* Strong financial background
* HR experience
* Community activism experience

We welcome applications from individuals with diverse interests and experiences.

Interested in making a difference? Send your name, phone number, and area of interest to

Thank you for considering this opportunity to contribute to our community and support the well-being of our older neighbors!

"Friendly Film Afternoons" Every Wednesday at the Cohoes Senior Center

Come for lunch and stay for a movie! 🎬 

Join us for Friendly Film Afternoons with the Cohoes Public Library at the Cohoes Senior Center every Wednesday from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Gather ’round to join in with friends and film buffs alike for a few hours of fun and laughs. Future films will be announced at each screening.


LifePath's Chili Dinner Drive-Through Fundraiser

Thank you for making our Chili Dinner Fundraiser a success yesterday! 🌶️🌽🍎

Your support and generosity have helped us raise funds for the Cohoes & Watervliet Senior Centers and their vital programs for older adults. 

Together, we are promoting health, safety, and engagement within our community.
Thank you for making a difference!

LifePath Joins ALERT Partnership for Unite the City in Washington Park

LifePath enjoyed a fantastic September weekend at ALERT Partnerships Unite the City Community Day! 

We hosted thrilling rounds of BINGO for a packed house and had a blast connecting with the community to highlight our services for older adults. 

Grateful for our partnership with ALERT – Albany Law Enforcement Resolution Team 🌟🎉

LifePath's Senior Picnic at the Cohoes Senior Center with Presenting Sponsor Norlite

Join us September 7 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm at the Cohoes Senior Center for a Senior Picnic!

Food, Live Music, Vendors, Games, & Activities

Special thanks to Presenting Sponsor Norlite

Call to register: 518-235-2420

August 2023

FREE Healthy Aging Seminar Series - Better with Age

Stand strong – prevent falls and stay on your feet. Attend a fall prevention seminar to see how!

Join LifePath and CDPHP for a FREE Healthy Aging Seminar Series – Better with Age

August 8 • 10:30 – 11:30 am • CDPHP Fitness Connect at the Ciccotti Center
30 Aviation Rd, Colonie, NY 12205

August 22 • 12:45 – 1:45 pm • Cohoes Senior Center
10 Cayuga Plaza, Cohoes, NY 12047

August 29 • 12:45 – 1:45 pm • Watervliet Senior Center
1501 Broadway, Watervliet, NY 12189

Enjoy presentations from pharmacists & fitness specialists about:
– How to keep your bones healthy
– Safety tips to use around your home to avoid falls
– Ways to stay active and strong
– & More! 

All are welcome. No registration necessary! 


LifePath's 25th Annual Travers Soirée Fundraiser

Friday August 25, 2023 | Saratoga National Golf Club

Thank you to all who helped make this year’s Travers Soirée an extraordinary evening of celebration at the magnificent Saratoga National Golf Club on the Eve of Travers. Reggie’s Red Hot Feet Warmers and the beverage vendors ignited the magic of the night, followed by an exciting evening under the tent with a delectable dinner and electric live auction. With the help of our sponsors, donors, and volunteers, we helped secure critical services for older adults in the Capital Region.

This event has become an absolute must for the summer season in Saratoga, growing in importance year after year. With nearly 300 esteemed attendees from the Capital Region and beyond, the evening commenced with a delightful reception featuring exquisite butler-passed hors d’oeuvres and a wide selection of local wines, beers, and craft beverages to tantalize your taste buds. As guests mingled, they had the opportunity to bid on captivating items in our silent auction while entertained by the lively tunes of Reggie’s Red Hot Feet Warmers. The night culminated in a mission-focused dinner and an exhilarating live auction, filling the tent with excitement.

At a time when funding for elder services remains historically low, your presence and financial support are more crucial than ever. By supporting LifePath’s Meals on Wheels, social opportunities, group dining at regional centers, adult day care, health and wellness programs, and caregiver support initiatives, you play an instrumental role in enhancing the lives of our beloved senior community. Your contribution to this fundraiser ensures that LifePath can continue its vital mission, helping our seniors and their caregivers stay healthy and connected to the community they hold dear.

If you would like to learn more or explore other opportunities, please contact Maria Jones, LifePath’s Director of Marketing & Special Events, at 518-362-5481 or

Your presence and financial contribution to this event have been more important than ever. Thank you for joining us for an unforgettable night of celebration, and for helping to make a lasting difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Thank you to all the businesses who contributed to this year’s silent auction – it was a great success!

We greatly appreciate your support – Thank you!

Click here to view photo highlights from the Times Union

July 2023

Drumming at Westgate Social Adult Day Program

It’s always a fun day at the Westgate Social Adult Day Program when the drumsticks come out! 

BBQ Chicken Dinner Drive-Through Fundraiser

Thank you for supporting our BBQ Chicken Dinner Drive-Through Fundraiser at the Cohoes & Watervliet Senior Centers on July 25!

Your support directly funds the programs and services offered by LifePath at the Cohoes & Watervliet Senior Centers.

June 2023

Happy Pride Month

Love knows no boundaries, and at LifePath, we celebrate diversity and inclusivity every day. 

This Pride Month, we stand with the LGBTQ+ community, honoring their resilience, courage, and beautiful individuality.
Together, let’s create a world where everyone feels safe, valued, and loved.

Happy Pride Month! 🌈❤️

Watervliet Celebrated National Strawberry Shortcake Day with Dinner, Dessert, & Music

Thank you for supporting our dinner at the Watervliet Senior Center last night to celebrate National Strawbery Shortcake Day! Your support directly funds the programs and services offered at the Watervliet Senior Center by LifePath. We wouldn’t be able to do it without you!

A special thank you to “The Evidence” for providing live music!

Senior Services Open House in Town of Berne | June 29, 2023

Join LifePath and Albany County Department for Aging on Thursday, June 29, 4:00 – 6:00 pm at the Town of Berne Community and Senior Center for a Senior Services Open House! 

Stop by to learn about services available for seniors and caregivers through the Hilltowns, including:
– Medicare/Medicaid health insurance options (HIICAP)
– Caregiver support programs
– Low or no cost Social Adult Day Programs
– Home-delivered and community meals
– Support for seniors raising young family members

Music • Food Tasting • Connection

Staff will be available to assist with applications for programs such as HEAP (heating & cooling assistance), SNAP (food stamps), community dining and Meals on Wheels. 

Call LifePath if you have any questions: 518-465-3322
or email

May 2023

HUD Ross Grant Allows LifePath to Expand Support Services for the Residents of Westview Homes

LifePath is only one of a handful of community organizations in the US to have been awarded a 2023 HUD Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Grant, which LifePath will use to significantly expand its support services at Westview Homes in partnership with Albany Housing Authority with the intent to provide residents with connection to services to help them maintain independence and age in-place.

The three-year grant provides funding for full-time service coordination staff who will work to identify specific support needs of Westview residents, educate them about and connect them to available services within the community, work with residents to establish a Residence Council, and assist them in advocating for themselves with the housing authority and other agencies. Such services could include programs on scam prevention, instruction in computer and phone use, application and certification assistance, isolation prevention opportunities like community dining and entertainment events, health maintenance activities like blood pressure clinics and medication reviews, information and assistance for drafting legal documents like wills and custody agreements, and much more.LifePath will work alongside other organizations such as the Legal Project, Albany College of Pharmacy, Statewide Senior Action Council, Legal Aid Society, Albany County Department of Aging, Pride Center, and more to ensure that residents receive comprehensive support.

LifePath@Westview is already partnering with Albany Housing Authority (AHA) and Friends and Foundation of Albany Public Library (FFAPL) on a digital inclusion initiative called “#keepalbanyconnected” funded by a ROSS grant FFAPL received in 2022. That grant provides free Wi-Fi at all ten AHA campuses and will allow LifePath to provide provide computers to up to 20 residents of Westview who complete an introductory computer skills course.

Eddie Tirado - Volunteer Spotlight

Eddie, a remarkable volunteer in Cohoes, has become a cherished presence in the community through his unwavering commitment to helping others. With a genuine love for people and an innate desire to lend a hand, Eddie continues to make a positive impact on those around him. From his upbringing in Syracuse to his journey of self-discovery working as a model for Kenneth Cole in Manhattan, Eddie’s unwavering dedication and resilience shines through, even in the face of adversity.

Eddie’s Puerto Rican heritage and upbringing instilled in him a deep care for others. “I like helping people. I care about people. It’s in my nature. I love it. I was taught to always help others in need.”

Eddie was inspired by LifePath’s Albany Kitchen Manager and joined the LifePath volunteer team at the Cohoes Senior Center in February 2021, inspired by a friend who works as a chef at the LifePath Meals on Wheels kitchen. Since then, he has been an invaluable asset, assisting at the front desk and delivering meals to individuals twice a week. His ability to empathize and foster genuine connections is a testament to his commitment to making a difference. “I feel joyful with the people I connect with. When people have a question, I connect with them. Everybody loves me.”

Eddie’s dedication to open and respectful communication creates an environment where seniors feel valued and supported. “We have to remember, we’re here for them, they’re not here for us. So we have to be very, very, very respectful. I try to communicate with them.”

For Eddie, the act of helping others is a mutually rewarding experience. “Helping people helps me. Being here is fun because you get to connect with the people. I think they feel comfortable with me.”

Despite life’s inevitable ups and downs, Eddie maintains a resilient outlook. He encourages others not to succumb to worry, stating, “Why worry? We all worry; we’re humans, we can’t help it. People worry constantly, and it’s not gonna go away. Just let the universe take its toll. I get worried and I get sad sometimes. I think it’s human nature. We are mysterious creatures, aren’t we?” His words reflect a wisdom that comes from a place of understanding and acceptance.

Eddie’s unwavering faith in God serves as a source of strength in his life. “I pray. I believe in God. That’s all I believe. This is the way God made me. I’m sorry, but no one is gonna tell me there’s something wrong with me,” Eddie asserted confidently. He acknowledges that despite legal protections, the LGBTQ+ community still faces challenges. “Gay people are still a target. Just because there’s a law that protects us doesn’t mean anything, you’re still a target. I can’t be open like that.”

Eddie’s remarkable journey, filled with personal triumphs and the desire to make a difference, inspires those around him. His unwavering dedication to helping others and creating a comfortable and supportive environment truly embodies the spirit of LifePath. As Eddie humbly stated, “When I see somebody sad, I try to cheer ’em up. That’s what we are here for. That’s what LifePath is about—helping people and making people feel good and comfortable, showing them that we are there for them, they’re not there for us.”

Eddie’s remarkable contributions and genuine compassion make him an invaluable member of the LifePath community. Through his unwavering support, he reminds us all of the power of compassion and connection in improving the lives of those around us.

Legal Aid Society of NENY Host Free Legal Clinics in Albany and Cohoes

Free legal clinics for Albany County residents age 60+ are provided by the Legal Aid Society of Northeastern NY through a grant from the Albany County Department for Aging. One-on-one appointments are scheduled at Westview Homes and Cohoes Multi-Service Senior Center monthly. The service is available by appointment only.

For availability or to schedule an appointment, call 518-465-3322 – press 2 for Cohoes and 3 for Westview Homes or email |

Roasted Red Pepper & Sundried Tomato Chicken Penne Drive-Through Dinner Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone who came out on May 16th to the Cohoes and Watervliet Senior Centers to support LifePath’s Roasted Red Pepper & Sundried Tomato Chicken Penne Drive-Through Dinner Fundraiser! Your contributions directly fund the programs and services provided by LifePath at both senior centers.

Keep your eyes peeled for our next event coming soon!

Ice Cream Social at Westview Homes with MVP Health Care

Thank you to our corporate partner, MVP Health Care, for providing ice cream to the residents of Westview Homes today!
It might not be summer quite yet, but who can pass up ice cream?

Olana Bus Trip

Our Olana bus trip this week was an absolute blast! The event was a complete sell-out, with older adults joining us for an incredible day of exploration, learning, and awe-inspiring moments. We strolled through the breathtaking grounds, marveled at the magnificent buildings, and created memories that will last a lifetime. 

Stay tuned for more exciting adventures coming soon!

April 2023

Social Work Services Key to LifePath's Mission

LifePath’s comprehensive and compassionate approach to social work improves quality of life for seniors in the community. With March having been National Social Worker Month, we’re taking a moment to recognize the important work being done by the dedicated social workers who make it all possible.

LifePath Director of Community and Support Programs Felicia Segelken, LMSW provides case management for older adults living in independent housing and oversees program and site managers. Our program and site managers are the bridge between older adults and the elder resources in the community. They help connect seniors to transportation and benefits like health insurance, Social Security-managed long-term care, food security programs, and more, all to ensure that our seniors can live as independently as possible.

Felicia facilitates LifePath’s caregiver programs, offering a range of supports, including 1:1 counseling, navigating different services, monthly caregiver support groups, and our 12-week Caregiver Tune Up.” Through these programs, Felicia gets to know caregivers, providing a safe and supportive space for caregivers to process their experiences and helps to assess the supports that are available to each individual.

Animatronic Pet Animates Its New Owner

“Sarah Ophelia Colley Cannon Mini Pearl” has made a significant impact on Maryann’s emotional well-being since they moved in together several months ago. The two will be very happy together for many years to come, provided Maryann remembers to replace Sarah Ophelia Colley Cannon Mini Pearl’s batteries regularly. 

Sarah – as we’ll call her for short – is a animatronic cat Although she has never been particularly drawn to animals, the companionship and comfort provided by her robotic cat have transformed Maryann’s daily routine. While she was not previously particularly animated herself, these days Maryann spends time interacting with the cat, talking to it – even sleeping with it – and Maryann has even begun increasing her interaction with other people in LifePath’s Cohoes Companions Adult Day Services Program, where she participates weekly and “adopted” Sarah.

LifePath was able to gift Sarah to Maryann thanks to an innovative program of the New York State Office for the Aging, which provided Joy for All animatronic dogs, cats and birds to aging services providers across the state. The animatronic pets provide seniors, especially cognitively challenged or neuro-atypical seniors, with companionship and emotional support. These pets are becoming increasingly popular in assisted living facilities and senior centers, and can help improve the overall well-being of older adults and provide them with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Studies have shown that interacting with robotic pets can reduce stress, anxiety and depression, and even lower blood pressure. They are low maintenance, requiring no feeding or cleaning, making them ideal for older adults who may have mobility issues or be unable to care for a live pet. LifePath is privileged to be able to provide these “friends” to their new family members through its partnership with the NYS Office for the Aging.

"Patsy Cline" at Cohoes Senior Center

Thank you to everyone who put on their dancin’ boots to join us at the “Grand Ole Opry” for an unforgettable sold-out evening of music, food, and fun at the Cohoes Senior Center for “A Tribute to Patsy Cline” Dinner and Show. 

A special thanks to Courtney Shayne: Professional Tribute Artist & Musician  for an incredible performance as the great Patsy Cline! 

Thank you to CDPHP , Marquis Home Care, MVP Health Care, Stanton-Farrell Funeral Home, St. Peter’s Health Partners, and Ed & Lisa Tremblay for helping to make the event a resounding success, raising funds for the center’s essential programs and services supporting our community’s older adults.

Volunteer Spotlight: Carol M. Taylor

Carol Taylor, has been a dedicated volunteer at the Cohoes Senior Center for several years. She enjoys the diversity of people she meets at the center and the ways she can help others. “It is interesting, the people that you meet from different backgrounds,” says Carol. “You get to know people you maybe wouldn’t normally gravitate toward.” In addition to volunteering at the desk almost every weekday, Carol also participates in LifePath’s knitting and cardmaking groups. “I like my downtime,” she said.

Carol grew up in the Capital District, graduated from Lansingburg High School and went into nurse’s training at Albany Memorial. She then moved to Ohio, started her family, then relocated to Pennsylvania where she raised her two children. When her children were grown, Carol returned to the Albany area and worked at the Eddy Heritage House Nursing & Rehabilitation Center for 14 years until her retirement. She started attending the community meals at the Cohoes Senior Center, formed a circle of friends there and began volunteering. Carol’s friend Myrtle volunteered at the front desk and Carol often joined her there to chat. Soon, Carol began volunteering there. “It was just sort of osmosis, I occupied the chair, and that was it,” she said.

Volunteers like Carol are vital to LifePath’s success. Without volunteers, LifePath would not be able to provide the level of care and support that it does. Carol’s dedication to LifePath and the Cohoes Senior Center is a testament to the positive impact that volunteering can have on both the volunteers and the communities they serve.

Lights, Lunch, Action! Friendly Film Afternoons at Cohoes

Looking for a fun way to spend an afternoon? Look no further than LifePath’s “Friendly Film Afternoons” at the Cohoes Public Library / Senior Center every Wednesday from 1:00-3:00 pm! 

Enjoy a delicious lunch and stick around for a movie screening that will entertain you for hours. This is a great opportunity to bond with like-minded individuals in your community while indulging in great cinema. Don’t miss out on the fun! 

To learn more, call Beth at the Cohoes Senior Center 518-235-2420 or email

LifePath's Third Age Achievement Awards

On April 28th, at our Annual Third Age Achievement Awards, we celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of seven individuals who continue to make a positive impact in their community after the age of 60. These honorees inspire us all with their dedication, passion, and commitment to improving the world around them. 

Click here for photo highlights in the Times Union


March 2023

Thank You for Supporting Our Corned Beef & Cabbage Fundraiser!

Thank you to everyone who supported LifePath’s Corned Beef & Cabbage Drive Through Dinner Fundraiser!
It was a great success – we couldn’t have done it without your generosity and support!
Your contributions will help us continue to provide programs and services at both the Cohoes and Watervliet Senior Centers, which are invaluable resources for our community’s older adults. 

We appreciate your commitment to our mission and look forward to continuing to make a positive impact in our community.

International Women's Day with Capital Region Menstrual Health at the United Way

LifePath is proud to have delivered period products donated by individuals at our Centers to the Capital Region Menstrual Health drive in honor of International Women’s Day. 

We extend our gratitude to the United Way for recognizing the remarkable work being done by women in our community and for hosting the Women United’s gathering on this special occasion at The Blake Annex in Albany.

February 2023

Achillecs "Red Hawk" Brown | Volunteer

Meet Achillecs “Red Hawk” Brown, a full-blooded Mohawk Indian born on a Native American Reservation outside of Buffalo. Achillecs has lived a life full of adventure and passion. From working as a union welder and a chef at places like Disney and five-star restaurants, to being a dedicated father of four, he has done it all.

Achillecs is now dedicating his time and effort to LifePth as a volunteer. For the past two years, he has been covering everything at the front desk, making coffee, and helping anyone he can with whatever they need. Even though he does not lead the programs, people come to him with ideas and suggestions, and he always does his best to make the majority happy. “If you can make the majority happy, then you know you’ve got a good unit. It works,” he says.

Achillecs’ dedication to LifePath goes beyond his assigned volunteer tasks. He takes care of everyone he meets, especially the people who reside at Westview Homes, where LifePath is located. He has been learning a few words in the language Uzbek to say good morning to a resident from Uzbekistan and always makes sure to give Mrs. O, who can’t speak well due to health reasons, a compliment just to brighten her day.

Achillecs does everything he can to help make the residents’ lives a little bit better. He goes above and beyond as a volunteer, doing paperwork and handling menus for lunch. When someone has a concern, they come to him, and he tries to work it out. “Most of the people here really feel like they’re forgotten,” he says, but not on his watch.

Volunteering is personal for Achillecs. He started doing it to fight depression without medication. His kids and psychologist suggested that he get out more with people, so he started listening to them and volunteered for LifePath. “Now I enjoy it, and I have a good time doing it,” he says.

When asked what he likes most about volunteering at LifePath, Achillecs replied, “Felicia – I tell her I’ve always got her back, whatever she needs, I try to take care of her, make it easier for her, that’s what I like the most.” Felicia works is a Licensed Master Social Worker and works as LifePath’s Director of Support Programs and works closely with Achillecs.

Achillecs’ dedication to LifePath and its residents is admirable. He is truly a man of service. His family has a long history of serving the country; his grandfather was a code talker, his father fought in WWII and the Korean War, he himself was a Marine recon sniper, and his youngest daughter has followed in his footsteps and is a Captain in the Marines. He also has a daughter in Sweden who works for IBM and a daughter in Germany who works for a hospital. His son lives in Albany and is a stay at home Dad.

At 65 years old, Achillecs calls himself the baby of the Westview seniors, but his dedication to serving the residents makes him a giant. He is not just a volunteer; he is a friend, a companion, and a hero to those who feel forgotten. And to those who have tried his apple pie, he is also a master chef.

Thank you, Achillecs “Red Hawk” Brown, for your unwavering dedication and selflessness. You are truly a shining example of what it means to be a volunteer.

“Simple things I do, when people come up the side, I say good morning to them, thank you, little things like that might make their day. I’ve learned over the years so I try to do that. I’ve got no problem coming down and helping or setting it up. Anything I can do to help make people that live here’s life just a little bit better, because most of the people here really feel like they’re forgotten.”  Red Hawk | LifePath Volunteer

Caregiving is Tough Work | LifePath's Caregiver Tune-Up Begins April 5

The demanding role of caregiving for a family member or loved one can take a toll both physically and emotionally. Caregivers must balance the responsibilities of their personal, work, and family lives or jobs, all while navigating their caregiving role. This added stress can have negative effects on a caregiver’s health and relationships. However, caregivers now have the opportunity to access tools and strategies to help manage their responsibilities and feel less alone.

LifePath’s Caregiver Tune-Up is a 12-week program designed to provide caregivers with these necessary tools and strategies. The spring program’s initial session is scheduled for Wednesday, April 5 at 7 pm. Participants in the first session will work together to determine the most mutually convenient time and days for the remaining sessions.

Completing LifePath’s caregiver support program has demonstrated many benefits for participants, including a reduction in stress, strain, and depression. Participants gain improved problem-solving skills and confidence in identifying local resources.

For further information or to enroll in the program, contact Felicia Segelken, LMSW or 518-817-5262

Upcoming Live Music at the Cohoes Senior Center

Get ready for a month of exciting FREE live music events! On March 10 from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm, join LifePath at the Cohoes Senior Center for a free performance by Don Maurer the Troubadour. Don will share stories and songs that highlight the American experience, while also explaining the roots of bluegrass and folk music and how American music has evolved over time.
Then, on March 28 from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm, LifePath is thrilled to host Deb Cavanaugh and Dandelion Wine playing familiar jazz standards. This event is sponsored by the Albany Musician’s Association and the Music Performance Trust Fund.

Both events are free and no registration is required.
If you’re 60+ and an Albany County resident, you can enjoy a $3.00 luncheon at noon, while under 60 &/or out of county residents can still enjoy lunch for $10.00. Reserve your meals by calling Beth at 518-235-2420 or emailing

We hope to see you at these free live music events, full of stories, songs, and entertainment. Don’t miss out on these opportunities to enjoy great music and delicious food with your community!

"You are LOVED" - Valentine's Day Fundraiser

This Valentine’s Day, 300 homebound Meals on Wheels recipients received a special surprise with their meal delivery. Thanks to the generosity of donors and MagnetsUSA, LifePath was able to distribute 300 fridge magnets to meal recipients, each bearing a simple but important message: “You are LOVED.”

Valentine’s Day can be a difficult holiday for those who may feel isolated or alone, so LifePath and MagnetsUSA wanted to do something to remind our recipients that they are cared for and appreciated. The response to the magnets has been overwhelmingly positive, with many recipients expressing their gratitude for the thoughtful gesture.

LifePath is grateful to their donors and to MagnetsUSA for helping to spread a little love and kindness this Valentine’s Day. It’s these small but meaningful acts that can make a big difference in the lives of community members.

January 2023

Russell Sage Students Gain Experience in Service with LifePath

Students from Russell Sage College’s class, “Innovating to Impact: Your Engagement with the Community,” completed clinical experience hours during their Fall semester through their participation with LifePath.

The ten students led activities at the social adult day programs in Albany and Cohoes, assisted in the Meals on Wheels Kitchen, and delivered meals to older adults in their homes via Meals by Foot.

These students, studying Occupational Therapy, Health Services, Nursing, and Business Administration, had an excellent opportunity to gain hands-on experience while also bringing joy to older adults within the community.
Students presented about the LifePath programs they participated with, sharing their experiences at a special reception.

LifePath looks forward to continuing its partnership with Russell Sage College this Spring semester, as they work together to benefit the community.

“I loved the experience of working with the LifePath Day Programs; the environment created for the guests was so wholesome and warm. I had fun engaging with the guests, who were always so very welcoming to me, the other students, and new guests that joined the program. This opportunity confirmed that the program I am studying at Russell Sage is exactly what I want to do in the future. Thank you, LifePath, for this experience.”  Sam B. | Student at Russell Sage College

Review Foundation Grant Enables LifePath to Launch Mobile Meals Platform

A generous grant from The Review Foundation has enabled LifePath to launch new software and a mobile app to guide and track the delivery of meals to individuals in their homes.

The new platform schedules routes more efficiently and tracks deliveries in real-time, allowing drivers to send instant updates if the client is not home, if there is a change in their condition and can report an emergency before leaving the home, allowing the office team to intervene more quickly, if needed.

This is the beginning of LifePath using automation within their Nutrition Services Program, resulting in the elimination of tedious driver route sheets and manual data entry.

LifePath is grateful to the Review Foundation for its support.

“With the new mobile platform, the coordination of meal deliveries is now much faster. More efficient routes and communication with drivers has led to a more streamlined process. This extra time allows us to provide more support to our community of older adults.”  Linda | LifePath Employee

A Special Thank You to Berne Volunteers

LifePath expresses its gratitude to Karen, Charlotte, Frances, Janet, Matthew and Rose for their over ten years of dedicated volunteer service, who have now retired.

LifePath is open to new volunteers who can spare a few hours a week to give back. To join the program and make a difference, please contact Victor at 518-465-6465. Every contribution counts!