Gifts are most appreciated when the receiver believes they are given with no expectation, particularly when the recipient cannot return the favor. As 2021 draws toward its close, LifePath wants to recognize your altruism, because we are clearly unable to give back to you in the same way you have so freely given of yourself, nor are the older adults we serve able to directly let you know how grateful they are for your kindness and generosity.
While we hope it warms your heart to know your generous support to LifePath has provided 1000s of hot nutritious meals to homebound seniors; allowed 100s of older neighbors to socialize and share a meal with their peers at our Community Dining dining locations; allowed for the delivery of 100s of COVID vaccinations to our homebound seniors and enabled us to host vaccine clinics in Cohoes, Watervliet, and Albany; helped 100s connect to needed resources through case management services and referrals; provided 100s of hours of respite for caregivers with our Social Adult Day services and so much more.
But, let me to tell you what gifts you have given us here at LifePath because these are the things that make us most grateful for you and your support:
• The bright faces of our older neighbors light up as they see a friend arriving to share lunch with them at our Community Meals – meals they may not have been able to obtain without your extraordinary support.
• The soft voices of our Meals on Wheels recipients expressing their appreciation to our drivers delivering with a smile and friendly word.
• The relaxed flowing movement of our older neighbors throughout the County sharing in person and remotely a Tai Chi class simultaneously from both our Centers and their homes around our County and beyond.
You make all of these things and more possible, softening the often hard realities of today’s older adults. You are an immeasurable gift we simply cannot reciprocate. What we can do to honor you and your gifts is to continue to care for these vulnerable older friends and neighbors and make sure they know they are loved and appreciated. Your continued support makes this possible.
With the “giving season” upon us, we hope you will consider an end-of-year gift to LifePath and its work to support those in need of extra help during the winter months ahead. Please consider a charitable gift to LifePath as a way to honor a loved one, friend, or coworker; or consider a year-end donation to bolster your charitable giving for tax purposes. LifePath will ensure that the individual you wish to honor receives a tasteful notice of your generous gift and information about how it will serve others. If you wish, we can even time an electronic message about your gift to arrive on the day of your choice, just let us know by accompanying your donation with a note or reach out to Maria Jones mjones@lifepathny.org or 518-465-3322 to make arrangements.
Thank you for all you have done in 2021 to support our older neighbors and their caregivers and to help LifePath do this work in our communities. May the remainder of this year bring you even greater gifts of love and health, and may we all greet 2022 with hope and intention to make it our best year yet.
Grateful for you,
Vera L. Dordick
President, LifePath Board of Directors