Berne Open House: June 20, 2023

Join LifePath and Albany County Department for Aging on 

Thursday, June 29. 2023 at the Town of Berne Community and Senior Center

for a Senior Services Open House from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

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Staff will be available to assist with applications for programs such as:

HEAP (heating and cool assistance) • SNAP (food stamps) • Community Dining • Meals on Wheels

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Learn more about:

– Medicare/Medicaid Health Insurance Options (HIICAP)

– Caregiver Support Programs

– Low or No Cost Social Adult Day Programs

– Home-Delivered and Community Meals

– Support for Seniors Raising Young Family Members

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Music • Food Tasting • Connection

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Contact LifePath with any questions: • 518-465-3322